10 steps to follow for monetizing your Love for Yoga

Yoga, these days is no more just an ancient practice to stay healthy and fit, it has rather become a lifestyle. Even after being immensely popular, there is still a deficiency in the number of efficient Yoga Trainers in India. Nevertheless, the good news is, there are some excellent training centers that offer Yoga Teacher Training in India.

It is great that you enrolled up for the Yoga Teacher Training in Dharamsala and completed the course and you are now just one step closer to fulfilling your passion. Well, getting trained was just the beginning and there is no time to relax as the journey for becoming a full-time Yoga Trainer has just undertaken and a lot of work is yet to be done.  We have compiled a list of ways that would help you in kick-starting your journey as a Yoga Trainer.

  • Maintain a record of Certifications: Gather all your yoga teaching certificates, notes of important classes attended and the grades obtained in them and club them all together into a folder. This will help you while applying for the full time/part time training opportunities.

Maintain a record of Yoga Certifications

  • Practice along with your day job: Quitting your day job is a big NO! We understand that the euphoria of becoming full-time. Yoga Trainer would want you to quit your day job and start practicing for the role of a full-time Yoga Trainer. However, we suggest you be patient and go step by step. Continue your job to support yourself and meanwhile look for contacts and places where you can showcase your skills learned in the Yoga Certification course. You never know, in sometime soon you end up becoming a full-time Yoga trainer that too at your own training center.

Practice Yoga along with your day job

  • Offer assistance: This is one of the best ways in which one can get hands on experience as a Yoga Trainer. It is advisable to join a flourished Yoga training center as you will be able to learn leadership and classroom management ethics too along with sharpening your Yoga training skills there. In addition to working for a training center, you can look for some volunteering work too in your free time.

Offer assistance at Chinmay Yoga

  • Build a strong Resume: Someone has rightly said that ‘the first impression is the last impression’. While considering you for the job role, the interviewer judges you by a mere piece of paper that is filled with information regarding yourself. So make sure that you market yourself well and the best way to accomplish this is by including the details of the training school attended along with the relevant certificates and grades obtained in that course.

Build a strong Yoga Resume at Chinmay Yoga

  • Sell yourself: In the age of Social Media, having an online presence is of utmost importance. However, there is absolutely no need to feel the pressure of creating your personalized Social Media pages in order to sell your skill. But if you do so, it would certainly help you and if you love your job than more than just an obligation, posting on Social Media will excite you.

 10 steps to follow for monetizing your Love for Yoga at Chinmay Yoga

  • Master the art of Networking: Networking has its huge list of pros and you can develop a vast Yoga Community with its help. Explore the Yoga centers near your place and volunteer there. Strike up conversations with the people in those centers and exchange your contact details. This will help you when you will run your own training center.

Master the art of Networking with people in Yoga

  • Enroll in the advanced courses: You have inaugurated your journey for becoming a Yoga teacher after the completion of Yoga Teacher Training Certification Course. However, this is not just the end and there is still a lot of scope for improvement and some learning too that you need to do. You can now add more to your skills by enrolling for the advanced learner’s course and we would suggest you get enrolled for the advance learning course only after having some hands on experience and practicing the lessons in the course learned prior. This way, you will be able to get the best out of the advance level courses.

200 hour YTT courses at Chinmay Yoga

  • Welcome Criticism: You can find this statement very easily in the autobiographies or Biographies of successful people. They take criticism and feedbacks very positively and work on them for continuous improvement. The best way to start this is by teaching Yoga classes to your friends and family as they are the one from whom you can accept honest feedback. Besides this, you can also record your own video while giving a Yoga session and then analyze yourself. This way you can keep a check on your body language and postures and improve them accordingly.

Yoga Teacher Training in India at Chinmay Yoga

  • Find your niche: It will be great if you find an area of working that interests you the most. You can specialize yourself in teaching to the Cancer Survivors, Old age people, Pregnant Women or Corporate guys. Getting specialization or working in your niche will help you in building a strong image and thus accelerate your career as a Yoga Trainer.

Find your niche at Yoga teacher training in dharamsala

  • Take care of your health: Never underestimate the fact that you are working in a service industry and you need to stay updated with time and demand in order to provide good services to your clients. “Staying healthy” might sound obvious to many of you, but it is indeed one of the most important rules to abide by while considering yourself fit for the profession of a Yoga Trainer.

Take care of your health at Chinmay Yoga

People will trust you only if they see you as their idol and staying healthy and we all are well versed with the fact that staying in best shape is the regime of Yoga.

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