Can a mental breakdown lead to a spiritual breakthrough? Here’s how you can channelize your emotions

Life is no less than a roller coaster ride. Life is not a bed of roses and it never promises a smooth journey. But you can certainly learn to deal with the situation without losing your emotional stability. All of us have encountered heartbreak and betrayal at some point in time. Life seems unfair when we are fired from our job, when we lose a loved one or when life puts us to tests. The agony is impossible to bear. Depression and negative thoughts take the better of us and life seems to be going nowhere. You don’t know what next to do.

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It’s ok to feel that way. While most of the people around you will advise escaping from these emotions, what you actually need to do is face them. Escaping is not the solution. Holding back your emotions won’t give you the peace you are looking for. Cry if you can’t endure the pain, let your pain open a new vision for you. Your mental and emotional breakdown can actually pave a path to spiritual enlightenment. It might sound unreal at the moment but surrendering to your grief and letting it go will help you in long run.

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We, the humans are blessed with divine energy and it’s up to us to pick the right kind of energy which can aid in healing process. All of us have an inner child which knows how to overcome the breakdown and start enjoying the life again. You just need to re-connect with that inner child to experience innocence, sensitivity, joy, and playfulness. For a successful spiritual journey, you need to release the emotions instead of holding them back. Trust that your breakthrough is just round the corner.

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These 5 ways will help in transforming your breakdown into a spiritual breakthrough:


  • The bliss of letting go of

It is essential both physically and mentally to let go of things which don’t serve us anymore. Get rid of negative feelings, bad habits, and inferiority complex from your mind. Get rid of the clutter from your house and finally, get rid of people who are not supportive in your life. This will open the door for new opportunities, new people and positive vibrations in your life. You will notice positive events and people magically appearing in your life.

Positiveness increase by Yoga


  • Get going

One of the most destructive things depression does is hampering our routine life. A person suffering from mental breakdown just sits in a corner and engages in self-pity. You need to gather courage and keep moving quite literally! Take a walk to the park, go for cycling, and practice martial arts. You can also go for hiking, Yoga/ meditation or dancing. Engage in any kind of physical activity to escape from the stagnation that depression brings along.

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  • Confide in someone

It’s ok to vent out our feelings and emotions with someone we trust. It will make you feel lighter. You can also seek advice from them if required. You can confide in a friend, parent or teacher. If you are not comfortable enough or fear getting judged, you can opt for a professional mentor or counsellor. It’s good to communicate. Use the newly found energy for spiritual enlightenment.

Confide in someone at Chinmay Yoga


  • Explore your creative side

You don’t really need to be an artist for this. Just keep yourself occupied with something creative. Try dancing, painting or pen down your feelings. You can also join various communities and participate in events. Find out new ways to get inspired. Inspiration will enhance your creativity.

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  • Indulge in self-care

Self-care is the best way to raise your vibration. Soothe yourself with hot water baths, massage or spa. Pampering is a way of making yourself feel better. Engage in lovemaking, pleasure yourself, go for sensual dance and wear a nice perfume. Anything which makes you feel better will help in moving towards positive vibration.

Indulge in self-care at Chinmay Yoga

If you wish to take ahead your spiritual journey and transform your life, take resort to advanced Yoga programmes. The Yoga Teacher’s Training at Dharamsala can help in realizing your goals.

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The 200-hour certified yoga teacher training courses will enhance your spiritual growth and prove to be a life-changing experience.

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