Tag Archives: 200 hour yoga teacher training course

Are you tired of hiding that bulging belly? Here’s how you can get rid of that annoying flab with help of Yoga!

Belly fat is one of the most stubborn things which is very difficult to get rid of. Even people with minor weight issues complain about that flab which does not leave easily! The stomach is the most common area where the fat gets accumulated. You can see every other person complaining about the same. The […]

Being a Yoga Teacher is not everyone’s cup of Tea. These 7 qualities will show if you have it in you!

It’s amazing to see how well Yoga has become a part and parcel of our lives. The goodness of Yoga has touched and transformed many lives. It has resulted into so many ardent followers of Yoga who can vouch for the wonders it does! Yoga is an Art, it is vast and deep. The more […]

5 Incredible Yoga asana to correct the posture in no time

We have always been advised by our elders to stop slouching and keep our back erect. But, often we tend to slouch even without realizing because we are not in habit of sitting and standing straight. Thanks to our lifestyle, we end up as hunchbacks due t constantly working on computers and looking at our […]