Tag Archives: Yoga teacher training at Dharamsala

Can yoga and meditation help the Millennial solve their relationship issues?

Being in a relationship is one of the greatest feelings of the world. To have someone by your side to share all your joys and sorrows is an incredible feeling. However, the same relationships can become the cause of pain and agony if not dealt with proper care and thought. People take resort to several […]

5 Incredible Yoga asana to correct the posture in no time

We have always been advised by our elders to stop slouching and keep our back erect. But, often we tend to slouch even without realizing because we are not in habit of sitting and standing straight. Thanks to our lifestyle, we end up as hunchbacks due t constantly working on computers and looking at our […]

Can yoga and meditation help the Millennial solve their relationship issues?

Being in a relationship is one of the greatest feelings of the world. To have someone by your side to share all your joys and sorrows is an incredible feeling. However, the same relationships can become the cause of pain and agony if not dealt with proper care and thought. People take resort to several […]

Hollywood actresses who vouch for the goodness of yoga!

Yoga has transformed many lives and even actresses are a no exception to that. Every profession is demanding and comes with its own pros and cons. The glamorous profession can also take a toll on the mental and physical health of the actors. Yoga has helped many actors in restoring their health and maintaining their […]